Alternc  latest
Alternc logiel libre pour l'hébergement
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* XPM */
2 static char * _006_drawing_document_xpm[] = {
3 /* width height ncols cpp */
4 "16 16 11 2",
5  /* Colors */
6  "00 c #000000",
7  "01 c #008000",
8  "02 c #808000",
9  "03 c #000080",
10  "04 c #C0C0C0",
11  "05 c #808080",
12  "06 c #FFFF00",
13  "07 c #0000FF",
14  "08 c #00FFFF",
15  "09 c #FFFFFF",
16  ".. s None c None",
17  "....05050505050505050505050500..",
18  "....05090909090909090909090400..",
19  "....05090004040400040400090400..",
20  "....05090408060806080604090500..",
21  "....05090406080808080904050905..",
22  "....05090408060806090903070500..",
23  "....05090406080809090307030005..",
24  "....05090008060909030703000400..",
25  "....05090408090903070300090400..",
26  "....05090409090606030004090400..",
27  "....05090409090602000904090400..",
28  "....05090409060201090904090400..",
29  "....05090004040400040400090400..",
30  "....05090909090909090909090400..",
31  "....05040404040404040404040400..",
32  "....00000000000000000000000000..",
33 };