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1 Template: alternc/acluninstalled
2 Type: error
3 _Description: AlternC need ACL on filesystem
4  AlternC can't work without ACL activated on its filesystem.
5  ACL are currently not enabled.
6  .
7  Also, you need to activate group quota (grpquota)
8  to be able to use disk quota (but that's not mandatory).
9  .
10  This is a fatal error and will cause the package installation
11  to fail.
13 Template: alternc/quotauninstalled
14 Type: note
15 _Description: AlternC QUOTA not enabled
16  As a result, the QUOTA assigned to each user will be infinite.
17  .
18  To be able to use space quota in AlternC, enable grpquota in your
19  partition.
21 Template: alternc/desktopname
22 Type: string
23 _Description: Fully qualified name of the desktop:
24  Please enter the fully qualified name of your server. This will be the
25  domain part of the url you will use to access the virtual managment
26  desktop. This (sub)domain MUST point to your server.
27  .
28  The default should be ok if your machine is correctly configured.
30 Template: alternc/hostingname
31 Type: string
32 _Description: Name of your hosting service:
33  Please enter the name of your hosting service. It may be your company's
34  name or your personnal name or whatever you want to ...
36 Template: alternc/ns1
37 Type: string
38 _Description: Name of the primary domain name server:
39  Please enter the fully qualified name of your primary dns server. It can
40  be this server since bind is installed and configured by AlternC. Anyway,
41  if your hosting service is quite big, you may have an external primary
42  name server that keep in sync with your alternc's server(s). . The default
43  value should be good in most case.
45 Template: alternc/ns2
46 Type: string
47 _Description: Name of the secondary domain name server:
48  Please enter the fully qualified name of your secondary dns server. It can
49  be this server since bind is installed and configured by AlternC. Anyway,
50  you should have 2 separate DNS servers if you want to provide a high
51  quality hosting service.
52  .
53  AlternC's team is providing any user of AlternC with free DNS service.
54  go to to create an account and use it.
56 Template: alternc/alternc_html
57 Type: string
58 _Description: Path where AlternC's users html files will be located:
59  Please enter the directory name where you want html user files to be put.
60  The default value should be good in most cases.
61  .
62  This directory will contain every AlternC users personal directories.
64 Template: alternc/alternc_mail
65 Type: string
66 _Description: Path where AlternC's users mails will be located:
67  Please enter the directory name where you want to put your users maildirs.
68  The default value should be good in most cases.
70 Template: alternc/alternc_logs
71 Type: string
72 _Description: Path where alternc's logs files will be located:
73  Please enter the directory name where you want to put your log files.
74  The default value should be good in most cases.
76 Template: alternc/mysql/host
77 Type: string
78 _Description: Name of the mysql server:
79  Please enter the fully qualified name of your mysql server host.
80  This server MUST be able to
81  access the remote server at standard port (3306). It is recommended to use
82  "" instead of "localhost" if your postfix installation is
83  configured in a chroot (which is the case, by default).
85 Template: alternc/mysql/db
86 Type: string
87 _Description: AlternC's mysql system database:
88  AlternC will create a mysql database to store it's system data. Please
89  choose the name of this database here. The default value should be good in
90  most case.
92 Template: alternc/mysql/user
93 Type: string
94 _Description: AlternC's mysql account:
95  AlternC will create a mysql administrator account. Please choose it's
96  username here. The default value should be good in most case.
98 Template: alternc/mysql/remote_user
99 Type: string
100 _Description: Remote root mysql user account:
101  Using a remote mysql installation requires root access to the remote database.
102  A root user is required to create the alternc user with grant options.
103  .
104  The alternc sql user is responsible for granting access to user generated databases,
105  that is why it needs root access on the mysql installation.
107 Template: alternc/mysql/password
108 Type: password
109 _Description: Password of AlternC's mysql account:
110  AlternC requires an administrator account on the mysql server. It will be
111  created automatically during the install process. Please choose a password
112  for this account.
113  .
114  Please choose a quite complex password since it will have full access to
115  the system database! If you enter nothing, a random password will be created.
117 Template: alternc/mysql/remote_password
118 Type: password
119 _Description: Password of the remote root mysql user account:
120  Specify the remote mysql user password
121  .
122  Please choose a quite complex password since it will have full access to
123  the system database! If you enter nothing, a random password will be created.
125 Template: alternc/mysql/alternc_mail_user
126 Type: string
127 _Description: AlternC's mysql account:
128  AlternC will create a mysql administrator account. Please choose it's
129  username here. The default value should be good in most case.
131 Template: alternc/mysql/alternc_mail_password
132 Type: password
133 _Description: Password of AlternC's mysql account:
134  AlternC requires an administrator account on the mysql server. It will be
135  created automatically during the install process. Please choose a password
136  for this account.
138 Template: alternc/mysql/client
139 Type: string
140 _Description: The server to GRANT permissions to:
141  AlternC and MySQL can be installed on different servers. In order to have
142  GRANT table properly created and manipulated, this parameter must be set
143  to the hostname or IP the Apache server will appear as connecting from to
144  the MySQL server.
146 Template: alternc/sql/backup_type
147 Type: select
148 Choices: rotate, date
149 _Description: The way backup rotation is executed
150  AlternC enables users to configure their own backups, on demand, with
151  automatic rotation. This option determines how the backups are rotated.
152  .
153  rotate - backup.sql, backup.sql.0, backup.sql.1
154  date - backup.sql, backup.sql.20080709, backup.sql.20080708
156 Template: alternc/sql/backup_overwrite
157 Type: select
158 Choices: no, rename, overwrite
159 _Description: Behavior of the backup script when it encounters a unmanaged file
160  The SQL backups can rename or overwrite existing files it doesn't know
161  about when doing backups. The default behavior is to skip those files
162  and ignore it.
164 Template: alternc/public_ip
165 Type: string
166 _Description: The primary IP of this server:
167  AlternC will default the A records for domains it hosts to this address. In
168  other words, this is the address everyone can reach to server at.
170 Template: alternc/internal_ip
171 Type: string
172 _Description: The internal IP of this server:
173  AlternC will configure Apache and other services to listen to this
174  address. This is usually the same as the primary IP of the server, unless
175  the server is sitting behind a NAT router.
176  .
177  In other words, this is the IP address of eth0.
179 Template: alternc/default_mx
180 Type: string
181 _Description: The default MX to assign to new domains:
182  AlternC will assign this hostname as the MX record for all
183  the domains it hosts. It is usually better be left alone.
185 Template: alternc/default_mx2
186 Type: string
187 _Description: The default Backup MX to assign to new domains:
188  AlternC will assign this hostname as the Backup MX record for all
189  the domains it hosts. Don't set it if you don't know what it is about.
191 Template: alternc/alternc_location
192 Type: string
193 _Description: The path where AlternC is installed:
194  Please enter the partition name where alternc is installed. This is used
195  mainly for disk quotas.
196  .
197  Warning: Be careful! It can generate some problems.
199 Template: alternc/monitor_ip
200 Type: string
201 _Description: The monitoring server:
202  The IP address (or ip/prefix) of the server(s) which must be authorized to
203  ping the server and access apache status pages. Completely optional.
205 Template: alternc/postrm_remove_databases
206 Type: boolean
207 _Description: Should AlternC remove all databases (/var/lib/mysql/)?
208  All users databases will be trashed
210 Template: alternc/postrm_remove_datafiles
211 Type: boolean
212 _Description: Should AlternC remove users datas?
213  The files and apache redirections created by users will be trashed
215 Template: alternc/postrm_remove_bind
216 Type: boolean
217 _Description: Should AlternC remove bind zones?
218  It will delete all bind zones created by AlternC
220 Template: alternc/postrm_remove_mailboxes
221 Type: boolean
222 _Description: Should AlternC remove mailboxes?
223  If you accept all users e-mails will be deleted
225 Template: alternc/slaves
226 Type: string
227 _Description: Slave servers:
228  This is a space-separated list of servers that are "slaves" to the
229  master server (this server). When writing Apache configuration files,
230  the master server will attempt to reload Apache on those remote
231  servers. The alternc-slave package correctly configures those machines
232  to allow login and reload.
234 Template: alternc/use_local_mysql
235 Type: boolean
236 _Description: Use locally found MySQL server?
237  A local MySQL connection was established on the server.
238  Please tell if you want to use it. If not remote MySQL server
239  connection parameters will be needed.
241 Template: alternc/use_remote_mysql
242 Type: boolean
243 _Description: Use a remote MySQL server?
244  Please confirm you want to use a remote Mysql Server.
245  If not, AlternC cannot be installed.
247 Template: alternc/retry_remote_mysql
248 Type: boolean
249 _Description: MySQL connection error. Try again?
250  Remote connection to the MySQL server failed.
251  Please confirm to try again.
253 Template: alternc/use_private_ip
254 Type: boolean
255 _Description: Private IP detected, use it anyway?
256  The IP address of the machine appears to be private, please confirm that
257  this is an expected situation, since the server might not be reachable
258  from outside your network.
260 Template: alternc/remote_mysql_error
261 Type: error
262 _Description: Remote mysql: connection error
263  Connection to the remote MySQL server failed.
264  .
265  This is a fatal error and will cause the package installation
266  to fail.