Alternc  latest
Alternc logiel libre pour l'hébergement
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 -- upgrade from to
2 INSERT IGNORE INTO `domaines_type` (name, description, target, entry, compatibility, only_dns, need_dns, advanced, enable, has_https_option) values
3 ('vhost-http','Locally hosted with http->https', 'DIRECTORY', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'txt,defmx,defmx2,mx,mx2', false, false, false, 'NONE', false),
4 ('vhost-https','Locally hosted with http->https', 'DIRECTORY', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'txt,defmx,defmx2,mx,mx2', false, false, false, 'NONE', false),
5 ('vhost-both', 'Locally hosted with http and https', 'DIRECTORY', '%SUB% IN A @@PUBLIC_IP@@', 'txt,defmx,defmx2,mx,mx2', false, false, false, 'NONE', false),