Alternc  3.2
Alternc logiel libre pour l'hébergement
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1 <?php
2 /**
3  * Generated by PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator 1.2.1 on 2014-03-13 at 15:55:59.
4  */
5 class m_memTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
6 {
7  /**
8  * @var m_mem
9  */
10  protected $object;
12  /**
13  * Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.
14  * This method is called before a test is executed.
15  */
16  protected function setUp()
17  {
18  parent::setUp();
19  $this->object = new m_mem;
20  }
22  /**
23  * Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.
24  * This method is called after a test is executed.
25  */
26  protected function tearDown()
27  {
29  }
31  /**
32  * @covers m_mem::alternc_password_policy
33  * @todo Implement testAlternc_password_policy().
34  */
35  public function testAlternc_password_policy()
36  {
37  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
38  $this->markTestIncomplete(
39  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
40  );
41  }
43  /**
44  * @covers m_mem::hook_menu
45  * @todo Implement testHook_menu().
46  */
47  public function testHook_menu()
48  {
49  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
50  $this->markTestIncomplete(
51  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
52  );
53  }
55  /**
56  * @covers m_mem::checkright
57  * @todo Implement testCheckright().
58  */
59  public function testCheckright()
60  {
61  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
62  $this->markTestIncomplete(
63  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
64  );
65  }
67  /**
68  * @covers m_mem::login
69  * @todo Implement testLogin().
70  */
71  public function testLogin()
72  {
73  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
74  $this->markTestIncomplete(
75  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
76  );
77  }
79  /**
80  * @covers m_mem::setid
81  * @todo Implement testSetid().
82  */
83  public function testSetid()
84  {
85  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
86  $this->markTestIncomplete(
87  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
88  );
89  }
91  /**
92  * @covers m_mem::resetlast
93  * @todo Implement testResetlast().
94  */
95  public function testResetlast()
96  {
97  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
98  $this->markTestIncomplete(
99  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
100  );
101  }
103  /**
104  * @covers m_mem::authip_token
105  * @todo Implement testAuthip_token().
106  */
107  public function testAuthip_token()
108  {
109  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
110  $this->markTestIncomplete(
111  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
112  );
113  }
115  /**
116  * @covers m_mem::authip_tokencheck
117  * @todo Implement testAuthip_tokencheck().
118  */
119  public function testAuthip_tokencheck()
120  {
121  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
122  $this->markTestIncomplete(
123  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
124  );
125  }
127  /**
128  * @covers m_mem::checkid
129  * @todo Implement testCheckid().
130  */
131  public function testCheckid()
132  {
133  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
134  $this->markTestIncomplete(
135  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
136  );
137  }
139  /**
140  * @covers m_mem::su
141  * @todo Implement testSu().
142  */
143  public function testSu()
144  {
145  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
146  $this->markTestIncomplete(
147  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
148  );
149  }
151  /**
152  * @covers m_mem::unsu
153  * @todo Implement testUnsu().
154  */
155  public function testUnsu()
156  {
157  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
158  $this->markTestIncomplete(
159  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
160  );
161  }
163  /**
164  * @covers m_mem::del_session
165  * @todo Implement testDel_session().
166  */
167  public function testDel_session()
168  {
169  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
170  $this->markTestIncomplete(
171  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
172  );
173  }
175  /**
176  * @covers m_mem::passwd
177  * @todo Implement testPasswd().
178  */
179  public function testPasswd()
180  {
181  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
182  $this->markTestIncomplete(
183  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
184  );
185  }
187  /**
188  * @covers m_mem::adminpref
189  * @todo Implement testAdminpref().
190  */
191  public function testAdminpref()
192  {
193  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
194  $this->markTestIncomplete(
195  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
196  );
197  }
199  /**
200  * @covers m_mem::send_pass
201  * @todo Implement testSend_pass().
202  */
203  public function testSend_pass()
204  {
205  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
206  $this->markTestIncomplete(
207  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
208  );
209  }
211  /**
212  * @covers m_mem::ChangeMail1
213  * @todo Implement testChangeMail1().
214  */
215  public function testChangeMail1()
216  {
217  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
218  $this->markTestIncomplete(
219  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
220  );
221  }
223  /**
224  * @covers m_mem::ChangeMail2
225  * @todo Implement testChangeMail2().
226  */
227  public function testChangeMail2()
228  {
229  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
230  $this->markTestIncomplete(
231  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
232  );
233  }
235  /**
236  * @covers m_mem::set_help_param
237  * @todo Implement testSet_help_param().
238  */
239  public function testSet_help_param()
240  {
241  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
242  $this->markTestIncomplete(
243  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
244  );
245  }
247  /**
248  * @covers m_mem::get_help_param
249  * @todo Implement testGet_help_param().
250  */
251  public function testGet_help_param()
252  {
253  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
254  $this->markTestIncomplete(
255  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
256  );
257  }
259  /**
260  * @covers m_mem::show_help
261  * @todo Implement testShow_help().
262  */
263  public function testShow_help()
264  {
265  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
266  $this->markTestIncomplete(
267  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
268  );
269  }
271  /**
272  * @covers m_mem::get_creator_by_uid
273  * @todo Implement testGet_creator_by_uid().
274  */
275  public function testGet_creator_by_uid()
276  {
277  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
278  $this->markTestIncomplete(
279  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
280  );
281  }
283  /**
284  * @covers m_mem::alternc_export_conf
285  * @todo Implement testAlternc_export_conf().
286  */
287  public function testAlternc_export_conf()
288  {
289  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
290  $this->markTestIncomplete(
291  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
292  );
293  }
295  /**
296  * @covers m_mem::session_tempo_params_get
297  * @todo Implement testSession_tempo_params_get().
298  */
300  {
301  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
302  $this->markTestIncomplete(
303  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
304  );
305  }
307  /**
308  * @covers m_mem::session_tempo_params_set
309  * @todo Implement testSession_tempo_params_set().
310  */
312  {
313  // Remove the following lines when you implement this test.
314  $this->markTestIncomplete(
315  'This test has not been implemented yet.'
316  );
317  }
318 }