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m_mysql Class Reference

Public Member Functions

 m_mysql ()
 Constructor m_mysql([$mid]) Constructeur de la classe m_mysql, initialise le membre concerne.
 reload_dbus ()
 list_db_servers ()
 hook_menu ()
 alternc_password_policy ()
 Password kind used in this class (hook for admin class)
 get_dblist ()
 Get the list of the database for the current user.
 php_myadmin_connect ()
 Get the login and password of the special user able to connect to phpmyadmin.
 get_mysql_details ($dbn)
 Returns the details of a user's database.
 test_get_param ($dbname)
 add_db ($dbn)
 Create a new database for the current user.
 del_db ($dbn)
 Delete a database for the current user.
 put_mysql_backup ($dbn, $bck_mode, $bck_history, $bck_gzip, $bck_dir)
 Set the backup parameters for the database $db.
 put_mysql_details ($password)
 Change the password of the user in MySQL.
 grant ($base, $user, $rights=null, $pass=null, $table='*')
 Function used to grant SQL rights to users: :database : database user : rights to apply ( optional, every rights apply given if missing : user password ( optional, if not given the pass stays the same, else it takes the new value ) : sql tables to apply rights.
 restore ($file, $stdout, $id)
 Restore a sql database.
 get_db_size ($dbname)
 Get the size of a database.
 get_userslist ($all=null)
 Returns the list of database users of an account.
 get_defaultsparam ($dbn)
 add_user ($usern, $password, $passconf)
 Create a new user in MySQL rights tables.
 change_user_password ($usern, $password, $passconf)
 Change a user's MySQL password.
 del_user ($user, $all=null)
 Delete a user in MySQL rights tables.
 get_user_dblist ($user)
 Return the list of the database rights of user $user.
 set_user_rights ($user, $dbn, $rights)
 Set the access rights of user $user to database $dbn to be rights $rights.
 available_sql_rights ()
 hook_lxc_params ($params)
 Hook function called by the lxc class to set mysql_host and port parameters.
 hook_quota_get ()
 Hook function called by the quota class to compute user used quota Returns the used quota for the $name service for the current user.
 alternc_add_member ()
 Hook function called when a user is created.
 alternc_del_member ()
 Hook function called when a user is deleted.
 alternc_del_session ()
 Hook function called when a user is logged out.
 alternc_export_conf ()
 Exporte all the mysql information of an account private EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
 alternc_export_data ($dir)
 Exporte all the mysql databases a of give account to $dir directory private EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)
 get_dbus_size ($db_name, $db_host, $db_login, $db_password, $db_client)
 Return the size of each databases in a SQL Host given in parameter.

Data Fields


Detailed Description

Definition at line 76 of file m_mysql.php.

Member Function Documentation

add_db (   $dbn)

Create a new database for the current user.

$dbnstring Database name ($user_$dbn is the mysql db name)
TRUE if the database $user_$db has been successfully created, or FALSE if an error occured, such as over quota user.

Definition at line 241 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, $password, add_user(), create_pass(), and grant().

global $db,$err,$quota,$mem,$cuid,$admin;
if (!$quota->cancreate("mysql")) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("Your databases quota is over. You cannot create more databases"));
return false;
if($pos === false){
if (empty($dbn)) { // If nothing after the '_'
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database can't have empty suffix"));
return false;
if (!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]*$#",$dbn)) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database name can contain only letters and numbers"));
return false;
if (strlen($dbname) > 64) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database name cannot exceed 64 characters"));
return false;
$db->query("SELECT * FROM db WHERE db='$dbname';");
if ($db->num_rows()) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database %s already exists"),$dbn);
return false;
$db->query("SELECT name from dbusers where name='".$dbname."' and enable='ACTIVATED' ;");
//checking for the phpmyadmin user
$db->query("SELECT * FROM dbusers WHERE uid=$cuid AND enable='ADMIN';");
if ($db->num_rows()) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("There is a problem with the special PhpMyAdmin user. Contact the administrator"));
return false;
//Grant the special user every rights.
if ($this->dbus->query("CREATE DATABASE `$dbname`;")) {
// Ok, database does not exist, quota is ok and dbname is compliant. Let's proceed
$db->query("INSERT INTO db (uid,login,pass,db,bck_mode) VALUES ('$cuid','$myadm','$password','$dbname',0);");
$this->grant($dbname,$myadm,"ALL PRIVILEGES",$password);
$this->grant($dbname,$dbuser,"ALL PRIVILEGES",$password_user);
$this->dbus->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES;");
return true;
} else {
$err->raise("mysql",_("An error occured. The database could not be created"));
return false;
add_user (   $usern,

Create a new user in MySQL rights tables.

$usernthe username (we will add _[alternc-account] to it)
$passwordThe password for this username
$passconfThe password confirmation
TRUE if the user has been created in MySQL or FALSE if an error occurred

Definition at line 696 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, $password, $user, and grant().

Referenced by add_db().

global $db,$err,$quota,$mem,$cuid,$admin;
if($login != $usern){
if (!$usern) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The username is mandatory"));
return false;
if (!$pass) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The password is mandatory"));
return false;
if (!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]#",$usern)) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The username can contain only letters and numbers"));
return false;
// We check the length of the COMPLETE username, not only the part after _
if (strlen($user) > 16) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("MySQL username cannot exceed 16 characters"));
return false;
$db->query("SELECT * FROM dbusers WHERE name='$user';");
if ($db->num_rows()) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The database user already exists"));
return false;
if ($password != $passconf || !$password) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The passwords do not match"));
return false;
// Check this password against the password policy using common API :
if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy"))) {
if (!$admin->checkPolicy("mysql",$user,$password)) {
return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy()
// We add him to the user table
$db->query("INSERT INTO dbusers (uid,name,password,enable) VALUES($cuid,'$user','$password','ACTIVATED');");
return true;
alternc_add_member ( )

Hook function called when a user is created.

AlternC's standard function that create a member private

Definition at line 1006 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, $password, and create_pass().

global $db,$err,$cuid,$mem;
//checking for the phpmyadmin user
$db->query("SELECT name,password FROM dbusers WHERE uid=$cuid AND Type='ADMIN';");
if ($db->num_rows()) {
$db->query("INSERT INTO dbusers (uid,name,password,enable) VALUES ('$cuid','$myadm','$password','ADMIN');");
return true;
alternc_del_member ( )

Hook function called when a user is deleted.

AlternC's standard function that delete a member private

Definition at line 1033 of file m_mysql.php.

References $c, $cuid, $d, $db, $err, $i, del_db(), del_user(), get_dblist(), and get_userslist().

global $db,$err,$cuid;
if (is_array($c)) {
for($i=0;$i<count($c);$i++) {
if (!empty($d)) {
for($i=0;$i<count($d);$i++) {
return true;
alternc_del_session ( )

Hook function called when a user is logged out.

We just remove the cookie created in admin/sql_admin.php a private

Definition at line 1057 of file m_mysql.php.

$_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_user'] = '';
$_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_password'] = '';
$_SESSION['PMA_single_signon_host'] = '';
alternc_export_conf ( )

Exporte all the mysql information of an account private EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)

Definition at line 1070 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, and $err.

//TODO don't work with separated sql server for dbusers
global $db,$err,$cuid;
$db->query("SELECT login, pass, db, bck_mode, bck_dir, bck_history, bck_gzip FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid';");
if ($db->next_record()) {
$str.=" <sql>\n";
$str.=" <login>".$db->Record["login"]."</login>\n";
$str.=" <pass>".$db->Record["pass"]."</pass>\n";
do {
$str.=" <database>".($db->Record["db"])."</database>\n";
$str.=" <password>".($db->Record["pass"])."</password>\n";
if ($s["bck_mode"]!=0) {
$str.=" <backup-mode>".($db->Record["bck_mode"])."</backup-mode>\n";
$str.=" <backup-dir>".($db->Record["bck_dir"])."</backup-dir>\n";
$str.=" <backup-history>".($db->Record["bck_history"])."</backup-history>\n";
$str.=" <backup-gzip>".($db->Record["bck_gzip"])."</backup-gzip>\n";
} while ($db->next_record());
$str.=" </sql>\n";
return $str;
alternc_export_data (   $dir)

Exporte all the mysql databases a of give account to $dir directory private EXPERIMENTAL 'sid' function ;)

Definition at line 1101 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, and $mem.

global $db, $err, $cuid,$mem;
$db->query("SELECT db.login, db.pass, db.db, FROM db,dbusers WHERE db.uid='$cuid' AND dbusers.uid=db.uid;");
$err->raise('mysql',_("The directory could not be created"));
// on exporte toutes les bases utilisateur.
exec ("/usr/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/alternc/my.cnf --add-drop-table --allow-keywords -Q -f -q -a -e ".escapeshellarg($db->Record["db"])." |/bin/gzip >".escapeshellarg($filename));
alternc_password_policy ( )

Password kind used in this class (hook for admin class)

Definition at line 144 of file m_mysql.php.

return array("mysql"=>"MySQL users");
available_sql_rights ( )

Definition at line 957 of file m_mysql.php.

return Array('select','insert','update','delete','create','drop','references','index','alter','create_tmp','lock','create_view','show_view','create_routine','alter_routine','execute','event','trigger');
change_user_password (   $usern,

Change a user's MySQL password.

$usernthe username
$passwordThe password for this username
$passconfThe password confirmation
TRUE if the password has been changed in MySQL or FALSE if an error occurred

Definition at line 760 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, $password, and $user.

global $db,$err,$quota,$mem,$cuid,$admin;
if ($password != $passconf || !$password) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The passwords do not match"));
return false;
// Check this password against the password policy using common API :
if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy"))) {
if (!$admin->checkPolicy("mysql",$user,$password)) {
return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy()
$this->dbus->query("SET PASSWORD FOR '".$user."'@'".$this->dbus->Client."' = PASSWORD('".$pass."');");
$db->query("UPDATE dbusers set password='".$pass."' where name='".$usern."' and uid=$cuid ;");
return true;
del_db (   $dbn)

Delete a database for the current user.

$dbnstring Name of the database to delete. The db name is $user_$dbn
TRUE if the database $user_$db has been successfully deleted, or FALSE if an error occured, such as db does not exist.

Definition at line 322 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, and del_user().

Referenced by alternc_del_member().

global $db,$err,$mem,$cuid;
$db->query("SELECT uid FROM db WHERE db='$dbname';");
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The database was not found. I can't delete it"));
return false;
// Ok, database exists and dbname is compliant. Let's proceed
$db->query("DELETE FROM size_db WHERE db='$dbname';");
$db->query("DELETE FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid' AND db='$dbname';");
$this->dbus->query("DROP DATABASE `$dbname`;");
$this->dbus->query("DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db='$db_esc';");
#We test if the user created with the database is associated with more than 1 database.
$this->dbus->query("select User from mysql.db where User='".$dbname."' and (Select_priv='Y' or Insert_priv='Y' or Update_priv='Y' or Delete_priv='Y' or Create_priv='Y' or Drop_priv='Y' or References_priv='Y' or Index_priv='Y' or Alter_priv='Y' or Create_tmp_table_priv='Y' or Lock_tables_priv='Y');");
if(($this->dbus->num_rows()) == 0){
#If not we can delete it.
return true;
del_user (   $user,
  $all = null 

Delete a user in MySQL rights tables.

$userthe username (we will add "[alternc-account]_" to it) to delete
TRUE if the user has been deleted in MySQL or FALSE if an error occurred

Definition at line 791 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, and $user.

Referenced by alternc_del_member(), and del_db().

global $db,$err,$mem,$cuid;
if (!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]#",$user)) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The username can contain only letters and numbers"));
return false;
$db->query("SELECT name FROM dbusers WHERE name='".$user."' and enable not in ('ADMIN','HIDDEN');");
$db->query("SELECT name FROM dbusers WHERE uid='".$cuid."' ;");
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The username was not found"));
return false;
// Ok, database exists and dbname is compliant. Let's proceed
$this->dbus->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM '".$user."'@'".$this->dbus->Client."';");
$this->dbus->query("DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$user."' AND Host='".$this->dbus->Client."';");
$this->dbus->query("DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='".$user."' AND Host='".$this->dbus->Client."';");
$this->dbus->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES");
$db->query("DELETE FROM dbusers WHERE uid='$cuid' AND name='".$user."';");
return true;
get_db_size (   $dbname)

Get the size of a database.

$dbnamename of the database
integer database size private

Definition at line 561 of file m_mysql.php.

References $db, and $err.

Referenced by get_mysql_details().

global $db,$err;
$this->dbus->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `$dbname`;");
$size = 0;
while ($db->next_record()) {
$size += $db->f('Data_length') + $db->f('Index_length');
if ( $db->f('Engine') != 'InnoDB') $size += $db->f('Data_free');
return $size;
get_dblist ( )

Get the list of the database for the current user.

array returns an associative array as follow :
"db" => database name "bck" => backup mode for this db "dir" => Backup folder. Returns an array (empty) if no databases

Definition at line 155 of file m_mysql.php.

References $c, $cuid, $db, $err, and split_mysql_database_name().

Referenced by alternc_del_member(), get_user_dblist(), and hook_quota_get().

global $db,$err,$bro,$cuid;
$db->query("SELECT login,pass,db, bck_mode, bck_dir FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid' ORDER BY db;");
while ($db->next_record()) {
$c[]=array("db"=>$db->f("db"), "name"=>$db->f('db'),"bck"=>$db->f("bck_mode"), "dir"=>$db->f("bck_dir"), "login"=>$db->f("login"), "pass"=>$db->f("pass"));
return $c;
get_dbus_size (   $db_name,

Return the size of each databases in a SQL Host given in parameter.

$db_namethe human name of the host
$db_hostthe host hosting the SQL databases
$db_loginthe login to access the SQL db
$db_passwordthe password to access the SQL db
$db_clientthe client to access the SQL db
an array associating the name of the databases to their sizes : array(dbname=>size)

Definition at line 1128 of file m_mysql.php.

References $c, $d, $db, $err, and $res.

global $db,$err;
# We create the object with empty parameters
$this->dbus=new DB_users(true);
# Modify the object with right parameters
$this->dbus->HumanHostname = $db_name;
$this->dbus->Host = $db_host;
$this->dbus->User = $db_login;
$this->dbus->Password = $db_password;
$this->dbus->Client = $db_client;
$this->dbus->query("show databases;");
while($this->dbus->next_record()) {
$c=mysql_query("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM $dbname;");
while ($d=mysql_fetch_array($c)) {
return $res;
get_defaultsparam (   $dbn)

Definition at line 600 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $q, and $r.

global $db,$err,$bro,$cuid;
$q=$this->dbus->query("Select * from mysql.db where Db='".$dbn."' and User!='".$cuid."_myadm';");
return $r;
while ($db->next_record()) {
$variable = $db->Record;
if($variable['User'] == $dbu){
if($db->f('Select_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Insert_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Update_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Delete_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Create_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Drop_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('References_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Index_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Alter_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Create_tmp_table_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Lock_tables_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Create_view_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Show_view_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Create_routine_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Alter_routine_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Execute_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Event_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if($db->f('Trigger_priv') !== "Y"){
return $r;
if(!$db->query("SELECT name,password from dbusers where name='".$dbu."';")){
return $r;
return $r;
return $r;
get_mysql_details (   $dbn)

Returns the details of a user's database.

$dbn is the name of the database (after the _) or nothing for the database "$user"

array returns an associative array as follow : "db" => Name of the database "bck" => Current bckup mode "dir" => Backup directory "size" => Size of the database (in bytes) "pass" => Password of the user "history" => Number of backup we keep "gzip" => Does we compress the dumps ? Returns FALSE if the user has no database of if the database does not exist.

Definition at line 204 of file m_mysql.php.

References $c, $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, $root, get_db_size(), getuserpath(), and split_mysql_database_name().

Referenced by restore().

global $db,$err,$bro,$mem,$cuid;
if($pos === false){
$db->query("SELECT login,pass,db, bck_mode, bck_gzip, bck_dir, bck_history FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid' AND db='$dbname';");
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database %s not found"),$dbn);
return array("enabled"=>false);
return array("enabled"=>true,"login"=>$db->f("login"),"db"=>$db->f("db"), "name"=>$dbn,"bck"=>$db->f("bck_mode"), "dir"=>substr($db->f("bck_dir"),strlen($root)), "size"=>$size, "pass"=>$db->f("pass"), "history"=>$db->f("bck_history"), "gzip"=>$db->f("bck_gzip"));
get_user_dblist (   $user)

Return the list of the database rights of user $user.

$userthe username
array An array of database name and rights

Definition at line 829 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, $r, $tab, $user, and get_dblist().

global $db,$err,$mem,$cuid;
$this->dbus->query("SELECT * FROM mysql.user WHERE User='".$user."' AND Host='".$this->dbus->Client."';");
if (!$this->dbus->next_record() ) {
$err->raise('mysql',_("This user does not exist in the MySQL/User database"));
return false;
foreach($dblist as $tab){
if($pos === false){
$this->dbus->query("SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$user."' AND Host='".$this->dbus->Client."' AND Db='".$tab["db"]."';");
$this->dbus->query("SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE User='".$user."' AND Host='".$this->dbus->Client."' AND Db='".$dbname."';");
if ($this->dbus->next_record()){
$r[]=array("db"=>$tab["db"], "select"=>$this->dbus->f("Select_priv"), "insert"=>$this->dbus->f("Insert_priv"), "update"=>$this->dbus->f("Update_priv"), "delete"=>$this->dbus->f("Delete_priv"), "create"=>$this->dbus->f("Create_priv"), "drop"=>$this->dbus->f("Drop_priv"), "references"=>$this->dbus->f("References_priv"), "index"=>$this->dbus->f("Index_priv"), "alter"=>$this->dbus->f("Alter_priv"), "create_tmp"=>$this->dbus->f("Create_tmp_table_priv"), "lock"=>$this->dbus->f("Lock_tables_priv"),
$r[]=array("db"=>$tab['db'], "select"=>"N", "insert"=>"N", "update"=>"N", "delete"=>"N", "create"=>"N", "drop"=>"N", "references"=>"N", "index"=>"N", "alter"=>"N", "create_tmp"=>"N", "lock"=>"N","create_view"=>"N","show_view"=>"N","create_routine"=>"N","alter_routine"=>"N","execute"=>"N","event"=>"N","trigger"=>"N");
return $r;
get_userslist (   $all = null)

Returns the list of database users of an account.

Definition at line 578 of file m_mysql.php.

References $c, $cuid, $db, and $err.

Referenced by alternc_del_member().

global $db,$err,$bro,$cuid;
$db->query("SELECT name FROM dbusers WHERE uid='$cuid' and enable not in ('ADMIN','HIDDEN') ORDER BY name;");
$db->query("SELECT name FROM dbusers WHERE uid='$cuid' ORDER BY name;");
while ($db->next_record()) {
if($pos === false){
return $c;
grant (   $base,
  $rights = null,
  $pass = null,
  $table = '*' 

Function used to grant SQL rights to users: :database : database user : rights to apply ( optional, every rights apply given if missing : user password ( optional, if not given the pass stays the same, else it takes the new value ) : sql tables to apply rights.

Definition at line 457 of file m_mysql.php.

References $db, $err, and $user.

Referenced by add_db(), add_user(), and set_user_rights().

global $err,$db;
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database name can contain only letters and numbers"));
return false;
} elseif (!$this->dbus->query("select db from db where db='$base';")){
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database not found"));
return false;
$err->raise("mysql",_("Databases rights are not correct"));
return false;
if (!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]#",$user)) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The username can contain only letters and numbers."));
return false;
$db->query("select name from dbusers where name='".$user."' ;");
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database user not found"));
return false;
# Protect database name if not wildcard
if ($base != '*' ) $base = "`".$base."`" ;
$grant="grant ".$rights." on ".$base.".".$table." to '".$user."'@'".$this->dbus->Client."'" ;
$grant .= " identified by '".$pass."';";
$grant .= ";";
$err->raise("mysql",_("Could not grant rights"));
return false;
return true;
hook_lxc_params (   $params)

Hook function called by the lxc class to set mysql_host and port parameters.

$namestring name of the quota
integer the number of service used or false if an error occured private

Definition at line 971 of file m_mysql.php.

References $err, $p, and isset.

global $err;
if (isset($this->dbus["Host"]) && $this->dbus["Host"]!="") {
$p["mysql_host"] = $this->dbus["Host"];
$p["mysql_port"] = 3306;
return $p;
hook_menu ( )

Definition at line 105 of file m_mysql.php.

References $q.

global $quota;
$q = $quota->getquota("mysql");
$obj = array(
'title' => _("MySQL"),
'ico' => 'images/mysql.png',
'link' => 'toggle',
'pos' => 100,
'links' => array(),
) ;
$obj['links'][] =
array (
'txt' => _("Databases"),
'url' => "sql_list.php",
$obj['links'][] =
array (
'txt' => _("MySQL Users"),
'url' => "sql_users_list.php",
if ($q["u"] > 0 ) {
$obj['links'][] =
array (
'txt' => _("PhpMyAdmin"),
'url' => "sql_pma_sso.php",
'target' => '_blank',
return $obj;
hook_quota_get ( )

Hook function called by the quota class to compute user used quota Returns the used quota for the $name service for the current user.

$namestring name of the quota
integer the number of service used or false if an error occured private

Definition at line 990 of file m_mysql.php.

References $c, $cuid, $db, $err, $q, and get_dblist().

global $err,$db,$cuid;
$q=Array("name"=>"mysql", "description"=>_("MySQL Databases"), "used"=>0);
if (is_array($c)) {
return $q;
list_db_servers ( )

Definition at line 95 of file m_mysql.php.

References $c, and $db.

global $db;
$db->query("select d.*, IFNULL(count(m.uid),0) as nb_users from db_servers d left join membres m on = m.db_server_id group by,m.db_server_id order by,;");
while ($db->next_record()) {
return $c;
m_mysql ( )

Constructor m_mysql([$mid]) Constructeur de la classe m_mysql, initialise le membre concerne.

Definition at line 83 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, and variable_get().

global $cuid;
if (!empty($cuid)) {
$this->dbus = new DB_users();
variable_get('sql_allow_users_backups', 1,'Set 1 to allow users to configure backup of their databases, 0 if you want do disable this feature. Warning: it will not stop configured backup made by');
php_myadmin_connect ( )

Get the login and password of the special user able to connect to phpmyadmin.

array returns an associative array with login and password Returns FALSE if error

Definition at line 173 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, and $info.

global $db,$cuid,$err;
$db->query("SELECT,dbu.password, FROM dbusers dbu, db_servers dbs, membres m WHERE dbu.uid='$cuid' and enable='ADMIN' and and m.uid='$cuid';");
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("Cannot connect to PhpMyAdmin"));
return false;
return $info;
put_mysql_backup (   $dbn,

Set the backup parameters for the database $db.

$dbstring database name
$bck_modeinteger Backup mode (0 = none 1 = daily 2 = weekly)
$bck_historyinteger How many backup should we keep ?
$bck_gzipboolean shall we compress the backup ?
$bck_dirstring Directory relative to the user account where the backup will be stored
boolean true if the backup parameters has been successfully changed, false if not.

Definition at line 362 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, and variable_get().

global $db,$err,$mem,$bro,$cuid;
if ( ! variable_get('sql_allow_users_backups') ) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("User aren't allowed to configure their backups"));
return false;
if($pos === false){
if (!preg_match("#^[0-9a-z]*$#",$dbn)) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database name can contain only letters and numbers"));
return false;
$db->query("SELECT * FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid' AND db='$dbname';");
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database %s not found"),$dbn);
return false;
if ($bck_gzip)
if (!$bck_mode)
if (!$bck_history) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("You have to choose how many backups you want to keep"));
return false;
if (($bck_dir=$bro->convertabsolute($bck_dir,0))===false) { // return a full path or FALSE
$err->raise("mysql",_("Directory does not exist"));
return false;
$db->query("UPDATE db SET bck_mode='$bck_mode', bck_history='$bck_history', bck_gzip='$bck_gzip', bck_dir='$bck_dir' WHERE uid='$cuid' AND db='$dbname';");
return true;
put_mysql_details (   $password)

Change the password of the user in MySQL.

$passwordstring new password (cleartext)
boolean TRUE if the password has been successfully changed, FALSE else.

Definition at line 415 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, $err, $mem, and $password.

global $db,$err,$mem,$cuid,$admin;
$db->query("SELECT * FROM db WHERE uid='$cuid';");
if (!$db->num_rows()) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("Database not found"));
return false;
if (!$password) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("The password is mandatory"));
return false;
if (strlen($password)>16) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("MySQL password cannot exceed 16 characters"));
return false;
// Check this password against the password policy using common API :
if (is_callable(array($admin,"checkPolicy"))) {
if (!$admin->checkPolicy("mysql",$login,$password)) {
return false; // The error has been raised by checkPolicy()
// Update all the "pass" fields for this user :
$db->query("UPDATE db SET pass='$password' WHERE uid='$cuid';");
$this->dbus->query("SET PASSWORD FOR ".$login."@".$this->dbus->Client." = PASSWORD('$password');");
return true;
reload_dbus ( )

Definition at line 91 of file m_mysql.php.

$this->dbus = new DB_users();
restore (   $file,

Restore a sql database.

$filestring The filename, relative to the user root dir, which contains a sql dump
$stdoutboolean shall-we dump the error to stdout ?
$idinteger The ID of the database to dump to.
boolean TRUE if the database has been restored, or FALSE if an error occurred

Definition at line 513 of file m_mysql.php.

References $db, $err, $mem, $r, false, get_mysql_details(), and true.

global $err,$bro,$mem,$L_MYSQL_HOST,$db;
if (empty($file)) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("No file specified"));
return false;
if (!$r=$this->get_mysql_details($id)) {
return false;
if (!($fi=$bro->convertabsolute($file,0))) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("File not found"));
return false;
if (!file_exists($fi)) {
$err->raise("mysql",_("File not found"));
return false;
if (substr($fi,-3)==".gz") {
$exe="/bin/gzip -d -c <".escapeshellarg($fi)." | /usr/bin/mysql -h".escapeshellarg($this->dbus->Host)." -u".escapeshellarg($r["login"])." -p".escapeshellarg($r["pass"])." ".escapeshellarg($r["db"]);
} elseif (substr($fi,-4)==".bz2") {
$exe="/usr/bin/bunzip2 -d -c <".escapeshellarg($fi)." | /usr/bin/mysql -h".escapeshellarg($this->dbus->Host)." -u".escapeshellarg($r["login"])." -p".escapeshellarg($r["pass"])." ".escapeshellarg($r["db"]);
} else {
$exe="/usr/bin/mysql -h".escapeshellarg($this->dbus->Host)." -u".escapeshellarg($r["login"])." -p".escapeshellarg($r["pass"])." ".escapeshellarg($r["db"])." <".escapeshellarg($fi);
$exe .= " 2>&1";
echo "<code><pre>" ;
if ($stdout) {
} else {
exec ($exe,$ret);
echo "</pre></code>" ;
if ($ret != 0) {
return false ;
} else {
return true ;
set_user_rights (   $user,

Set the access rights of user $user to database $dbn to be rights $rights.

$userthe username to give rights to
$dbnThe database to give rights to
$rightsThe rights as an array of MySQL keywords (insert, select ...)
boolean TRUE if the rights has been applied or FALSE if an error occurred

Definition at line 877 of file m_mysql.php.

References $db, $err, $i, $mem, $user, and grant().

global $mem,$err,$db;
// On génère les droits en fonction du tableau de droits
for( $i=0 ; $i<count($rights) ; $i++ ) {
switch ($rights[$i]) {
case "select":
case "insert":
case "update":
case "delete":
case "create":
case "drop":
case "references":
case "index":
case "alter":
case "create_tmp":
case "lock":
$strrights.="LOCK TABLES,";
case "create_view":
$strrights.="CREATE VIEW,";
case "show_view":
$strrights.="SHOW VIEW,";
case "create_routine":
$strrights.="CREATE ROUTINE,";
case "alter_routine":
$strrights.="ALTER ROUTINE,";
case "execute":
case "event":
case "trigger":
// We reset all user rights on this DB :
$this->dbus->query("SELECT * FROM mysql.db WHERE User = '$usern' AND Db = '$dbname';");
$this->dbus->query("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON `$dbname`.* FROM '$usern'@'".$this->dbus->Client."';");
if( $strrights ){
$this->dbus->query("FLUSH PRIVILEGES");
return TRUE;
test_get_param (   $dbname)

Definition at line 228 of file m_mysql.php.

References $cuid, $db, and $err.

global $db,$err,$cuid;
$db->query("SELECT ");

Field Documentation


Definition at line 77 of file m_mysql.php.

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